Hinatazaka46 >> Kumi Sasaki >> 2018-07-24 [English Translation]

The Sky

   Date: 24.07.2018 02:40
Summary: A few publications with her, Keyaki Republic
   Tags: keyakirepublic
    Url: https://www.keyakizaka46.com/s/k46o/diary/detail/16502?ima=0000&cd=member

Good afterning,

It's been a while since I last made popcorn. It is way too good, and even though it was nighttime, I just nom-nom-nom-nom couldn't help but eat it.

Then, on the next day, my jaw dropped. [TL: lit. my face was about to burst]

Strange, isn't it... I expected that the calories just leap away when it pops until zero are left, and yet...

This is Kumi Sasaki.

An interview was published on the 22nd on "Supootsu Houchi (Sports News)!"

Not intending to brag, but I had the chance to talk to the [baseball team] I'm rooting for, the Yomiuri Giants!!!

The news story is also being shared online, so I'd be happy if you could read it⚾️

And then, in today's CanCam magazine, Katou, Saitou, Mirei, Higashimura, and me are being published.

The theme was fall makeup💄

In this way, I'm so happy about being released in a fashion magazine.

I wiwill give it my best to become even more beatiful. 👼 [TL: She also had a typo like this in the original text ;)]

I discovered a cute Pan-chan [Mirei Sasaki] ~ Kyun

The three days of Keyaki Republic went on until yesterday.

Everyone, thank you very much for coming! We shouted a lot, and it was a ton of fun, right~

I also saw the fireworks🎆

We've made the best kind of summer memories, haven't we🌞!

Toshi-chan, loving "Bokutachi no Sensou" ("We," lit. our war).

It's way too hot! I'm doing pony-tails every day🐎

It was too hot, but the open air was a completely different liberating feeling, so it was twice the fun!

I absolutely want to do it again~

Thank you very much for the flowers!🌷

So, please take a look!

Togashi also gave us flowers and came to our live!

I'm so glad that I can't even really believe all the flowers we are receiving during our tour😳 Thank you forever!

I found out that Killua and Gon were doing the Kanji- and Hiragana-poses lately as well!

Honestly, I am so happy.. 💗

I would like the circle of HUNTER x HUNTER to expand more within the group.✊

yawn I guess I'll be able to have some nice dreams after such a fun live☁️

See you later ( ˙-˙ )/

Kumi Sasaki

Japanese Original


久しぶりにポップコーンを作ったら 美味しすぎて夜なのにパクパクパクパク 食べてしまいました。


おかしいなあ、、、 破裂した時にカロリーは飛んでいって ゼロになってるはずなのになあ、、、


22日発売の「スポーツ報知」さんに インタビューを載せていただきました!

僭越ながら、私が応援させていただいている 読売ジャイアンツさんについて お話しさせていただきました!!!

ネットにも記事が載ってるので 是非読んでくださると嬉しいです⚾️

そして、本日23日発売のCanCamさんに 加藤、齊藤、美玲、東村、私で 載せていただいています!


こうしてファッション誌に載せていただけるのが 本当に嬉しいです!!




きてくださったみなさん、 ありがとうございました! たくさん叫んでとっても楽しかったなあ〜




暑過ぎて! 毎日ポニーテールしたよ🐎

暑過ぎたけど、 野外は開放感抜群で 楽しさも倍増でしたね!




冨樫さんがひらがな宛にもお花をくださって、 ライブにも見にきてくださりました!

ツアーの時もお花をくださっていて、 本当に信じられないくらい嬉しいです😳 いつもありがとうございます!

キルアとゴンが漢字さんポーズと ひらがなポーズをしていたのも 最近知りました!


HUNTER×HUNTERの輪を もっとグループに広げたいと思います✊

ふあー 楽しかったライブの後は いい夢が見れそうです☁️

ではまたね( ˙-˙ )/


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